Volume 28 Issue 12 - 12 August 2016

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

At the end of last year the Australian Education Council released the National STEM School Education Strategy for 2016. Research has found that the students most likely to experience disadvantage in future access to jobs and career progression due to their limited engagement with STEM subjects are girls, students from low socio-economic backgrounds, students of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and students from non-metropolitan areas. There is ample evidence available now to support the notion that STEM skills and knowledge are necessary for success in the future. To this end, St Patrick’s College is hosting a STEM challenge on Thursday 20 October 2016  for teams of Year 5 and 6 girls from our local primary schools. Schools have been invited to field teams and try to win the coveted prize. It will be a very exciting day with the girls from the Science enrichment team assisting throughout the day. For further details, please refer to the attached flyer.

On Wednesday 17 August at 7pm we will be holding the Parents and Friends AGM in the Benedict Centre. At this point Jodie Stuart, who has been President for the past six years, will be stepping down. Our Secretary and Vice President, Monique Keogh, will also be stepping down. We will acknowledge the contributions of these women after the AGM. We will need these two/three positions to be filled by some new parents. As we collect a fundraising levy, the demands of the role  are essentially organising the social functions for the Mother Daughter High Tea, Father Daughter Dance  and the College dances. There are often many people willing to assist, we just need some generous people to step up and help. I ask that you give this some careful consideration and if you would like further information, please feel free to call Deborah Renshaw,  Jodie Stuart or myself. Please see the attached nomination form.

Last term the P&F handed the College $30,000, which will go towards a new electronic message board sign. The one we currently have is manually changed and has limitation around what we can present. The new sign, which will be on the front lawn, has the capacity to display images, can be lit in the evening and can display changeable messages whenever it is required. It will be an important communication tool for our community. Thank you to our parents and the P&F for this generous donation.

Prior to us sending out this edition of the Inside out, the 17 elected Year 11 leaders have been at a leaders camp to discern the leadership positions for 2017. I would like to thank Mrs Wright, Mrs Ibbett and Ms Dunn who have worked with the girls in coming to a strong outcome. The girls were mature and reflective in the process and I must congratulate them as they encouraged each other and offered their services in a most selfless and humble way across the two days. I am delighted to share with you the final outcome of our days together:

College Captain Claire O
College Vice Captain Lindsay C
College Vice Captain Gabrielle M
Gilmore House Captain Samantha J
Lyons House Captain Brooke D
Kenny House Captain Paris B
Chisholm House Captain Michaela C
Sport Captain Joanne S
Environment Captain Tahlia M
Social Justice Captain Emily W
Liturgy Captain Bridget O
Performing Arts Captain Siena H
Year 7 Counsellor Paris S
Middle School Counsellor Ella H
Senior School Counsellor Hannah S
Senior School Counsellor Jeanelle D
Communications Captain Renee P

Congratulations to all these girls and the other girls in Year 12 who will assist them in their leadership mission.

Earlier in the year, Caitlin D (Year 9) was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) . Caitlin has received intensive treatment which has been very successful to this point. Unfortunately one of the side effects is that Caitlin has lost her hair. She will be returning to school next week but will be wearing a beanie or wig. Pastoral advisors have explained this to all classes but it would be helpful for you to be aware should this trigger for your daughter any concerns or fears. Caitlin is doing very well and there is a very good recovery rate for young people who contract this illness. Please support your daughter in supporting Caitlin, her sister Felicity and their family. Ours is a community that rallies together in times of joy and times of struggle. Should you wish to discuss this any further, please feel free to contact myself, Mrs Wright or your daughter’s Year Coordinator.

We bid farewell to our Japanese exchange students this week. It adds such value to the College when the girls are exposed to a culture different to their own. Thank you to all the families who generously hosted the girls and opened their homes to show authentic Australian hospitality. Thank you also to the St Pat’s girls who were excellent hosts to their guests. My thanks also to Mr Julian Nash who ensured the program ran without a hitch.

Finally, we will be hosting a Middle School Parent Forum on Tuesday 23 August at 9.00am and again 7.00pm that evening. We will also host a Senior School Parent Forum on Tuesday 30 August at 9.00am and again 7.00pm in the evening. All events will be hosted in the Benedict Centre. I encourage you to attend. The forums normally only take an hour and there will be some refreshments for all attendees.

I will leave you with a brief reflection on hospitality.


Sue Lennox

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, 
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, 
I was a stranger and you invited me in,  
I needed clothes and you clothed me, 
I was sick and you looked after me, 
I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25:35-36

