Volume 28 Issue 15 - 23 September 2016

Farewell to the Class of 2016

Address by Claire O, 2017 School Captain

2016 College Captain Myra with 2017 College Captain Claire


To the class of 2016, I am sure you are all overwhelmed with feelings of excitement, nerves, happiness and also a little sadness. But most importantly I hope you are all feeling a sense of accomplishment. You have completed six years of high school, and whilst I am sure it was not an easy ride for anyone, it is definitely a chapter in your life that will inevitably shape you into the person you will become.

From your first day at the College, whether it was Year 7, or in a later grade, you have travelled through a school with opportunities and support. I hope you all feel that you made the most of your time here. Our school is one that has instilled qualities in you that empower you in your future endeavors, developed confidence to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and compassion to show towards everyone you meet.

In your final year, your whole grade has led our school in an enthusiastic way. Each being a role model that every girl can look up to. I truly believe that you each have left a mark on at least one girl at the College through your selflessness and care shown towards others.

All throughout high school many of you would have wished that it would be over as soon as possible, and sometimes we forget to enjoy the present moment. So I urge you all to enjoy right now, with your friends, your teachers and your fellow students in a place that has been such an important part of your life for many years. The future is unpredictable so enjoy this moment of comfort and stability.

I hope that St Patrick's College has instilled in you the confidence, pride and privilege of being a young woman in today's society. You all have amazing opportunities and experiences ahead of you where you will undoubtedly call upon the qualities and skills you have learnt here at our school.
The experiences that have been a part of your time at St Patrick's will help develop you into the young woman you are all capable of being.

I wish you all the best for your studies and preparation for the HSC examinations. I hope your effort and determination reflects your success at the end. Whilst they will be stressful and nerve-racking, remember you have been in school for 13 years and it has all led to these exams that are in place for you to show off everything you have achieved.

I would like to leave you with a quote by Dr Seuss:

"Congratulations! Today is your day! You're off to great places. You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go."

Address by Claire O, 2017 School Captain


