Volume 28 Issue 16 - 21 October 2016

Year 9 MISA Youth of the Year

On 29 August, two of our most motivated Year 9 girls attended the MISA Youth of the Year Competition at Mount Carmel.

Jasmin H and Kayla I represented our College with great pride and presence. With thoughtfully prepared speeches and confidently handled interviews, the girls really shone. This is what the girls themselves had to say:

Kayla: The speech topic I selected was "beauty standards in modern society". This competition helped me gain a lot of insight on what other Year 9 students in the area were passionate about and what they had to say on the issues that are affecting our society currently.

Jasmin: My topic was Racism. I really benefitted from MISA Youth of the Year because it was a fantastic way to listen to topics and concerns of other young people across a variety of schools. Everyone was very passionate about their topics and the concerns raised really gave me a wider perspective and outlook on local, national and global affairs. It was also a beneficial experience as I saw how much I have improved in speaking and there was great sportsmanship at the end where everyone was congratulating and encouraging each other for their speeches.

In a very strong field of 18 Year 9 contestants, Kayla came away with the top prize: 2016 Youth of the Year! Awesome work- well done Kayla! Congratulations to both Kayla and Jasmin for giving this worthy competition a go. We are all very proud of you girls!

Marguerite Pulham
Debating/Public Speaking