Volume 30 Issue 12 - 10 August 2018

Homework Study Centre at Campbelltown Library

Campbelltown City Library’s study support partnership with the University of Sydney continues with our free Homework Study Centre returning to HJ Daley Library in Term 3.


Starting Monday 30 July, local students can simply drop in for homework assistance anytime during the operating hours, no bookings necessary. Trained volunteers from the University of Sydney will provide free study and homework support in a range of subjects for students in Year 7 to Year 12.

The Study Centre will operate once a week on a Monday from 4pm to 5.30pm until Monday 24 September. Subjects available for tutoring include English, Mathematics, Science and HSIE.

In addition to the Homework Study Centre, we will also be hosting HSCram, an exam preparation day for Year 12 students in partnership with the University of Sydney.

The HSCram event will consist of short lectures and small group tutoring sessions. Each tutoring group will be led by a current undergraduate student who is studying a relevant degree and/or excelled in the HSC subject.

Subjects offered during the tutoring sessions include: Mathematics, English, Science, Business Studies, Economics and Essay Writing for Humanities.

This event will be held at HJ Daley Library, Campbelltown on Friday 5 October from 10am - 3.30pm. Registration is required as places are limited.

Michelle Feely - College Librarian