Volume 30 Issue 3 - 2 March 2018

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

Last Saturday we hosted Open Day. Once again we had many, many visitors who used the time to see the site and gain a sense of what we have to offer. We had a large number of girls acting as tour guides and assisting in the demonstrations and displays around the College. The positive feedback was overwhelming. The visiting parents recognised the very helpful staff and the confidence of the students. I am very grateful to the staff and students for being present on their Saturday. I am also grateful to the Parents and Friends who worked the barbeque and to our Alumni Sarah Barnes (President) and Sarah Cavallin and Archivist Joanne Cavallin for helping all day. I believe we were able to showcase the uniqueness of our College and provide discerning families with the information needed to assist them in their decision making.

Throughout the day, one of the more common questions asked of us whenever parents consider St Patrick’s is:

 “But will she be able to speak to boys if she goes to an all-girls school?”  “I don’t want her to become boy crazy.”

My normal response is:  “Well that will depend on her maturity levels, the social experiences she has where she can meet boys, her levels of self-awareness and self-confidence and her friendship group". It bemuses me because I have it on good authority that this question is not asked by parents about their boys seeking an all-boys education. As parents committed to an all-girls education, I imagine you would be asked the same question at social events, on the sidelines of the sports field and in conversation with parents who are deciding where to send their daughter for high school.

What is it that the girls will learn in a co-educational environment that will enable them to speak to boys that some parents are concerned they won’t receive in an all-girl environment?

In an all-girl environment, the girls grow in confidence, they are free to be themselves, they develop opinions and practice to express themselves, they believe in themselves, they are compassionate and empathetic. It is my belief that this would be what all parents would want for their girls. If we achieve this then wouldn’t this be the perfect skill set to be able to speak with boys?

Nevertheless, the evidence is seen at the stations in the morning, at the combined dances and musical and in their social media interactions. Where there is a will there is a way and adolescence being as it is, the boys and girls do communicate and they manage it very well. They have multiple methods of communication in this age and they do so with complete confidence. For some girls, there is silliness and for some it is with greater maturity. This range of responses though is more a reflection of the personality of the individual than their setting. In summary, I don’t believe we need worry about the capacity of girls to speak to boys in the long term if they attend an all-girl school.

At the end of 2017 the P&F funded the purchase of a laser cutter for the College. This was a two year project and we took delivery of it just before Open Day. The girls and staff are over the moon with this acquisition. It is a very expensive piece of equipment that will enable classes to be far more creative and ingenious with their designs. I would like to thank the P&F for this gift and especially Denise Egan (President) who managed to negotiate a very good deal for us.

On 12 March we will have the Parents and Friends AGM. It begins at 7.00pm in the Benedict Centre. Denise will be stepping down from the role and we will be looking for a new President. All other positions will also be declared vacant. I encourage you to attend the meeting as the P&F are a vital support to the College and an excellent connection for our parents. Click here to see the role descriptions for our P&F: P&F Role Descriptions

Next week we will have our first Parent Forum. The Middle School Parent Forum is Tuesday 6 March and the Senior School Parent Forum is Tuesday 13 March. Click on the link to view the agenda Middle School Agenda and Senior School Agenda. It is held in the Library with one session at 9.00am and another at 7.00pm on the same day. I invite you to these gatherings as you meet parents with daughters in other year groups, learn more of what is happening at the College and have an opportunity seek clarification on issues.

We also have our International Women’s Day Breakfast on Wednesday 7 March. It begins at 6.45am and I encourage you to attend. We have two exceptional ex-students to speak and it is always a great morning.

Finally, our Emerald Gala Dinner Dance is on Saturday 17 March, St Patrick’s Day. It is held at The Cube and is always a fabulous evening. The hard working committee have managed to create a very special night which is sure to impress and entertain you. Tickets can be purchased via this link: Gala Dinner Tickets

As we come to the third Sunday of Lent, I will leave you with a short reflection for the season.


Sue Lennox - Principal 

The Loving One, who made you,
who yearned over you in the womb,
who cherished you as a baby,
who tended you as a child,
who gave you glimpses of glory
from your pram;
the One who moulded you,
the One whose loving arm is always
under your head, says:
'Have no fear for I have 
reedemed you.
I call you by name 
and you are mine.'

The Green Heart of the Snowdrop - Kate McIlhagga