Volume 31 Issue 10 - 5 July 2019

Benedict Day 2019 - Hospitality and Conversatio Awards

At the 2019 Benedict Day Mass, the College recognised students who fulfil, through their words and actions, the Benedict award that acknowledges a particular Benedictine value for the year. The 2019 value recoginised "Hospitality and Conversatio".

The Hospitality and Coversatio Award recognises a students who has: 

- Participated in service programs within the College and broader community.

- Sought opportunities to be of assistance to others within the school community

- An understanding of servant leadership, demonstrating a personal commitment to peace, justice and compassion

- A commitment to caring for people within the community through positive interactions, mutual respect, courtesy and genuine concern for members of the school community

- Actively participated in activities which raise awareness of people in need and promotes equality

- A commitment to the dignity of the human person

- Demonstrated strategies for positive  interactions (characterised by, care for each other, mutual respect, courtesy and genuine concern for members of the school community)

- A commitment to developing a great sense of community through mentoring and peer support programs.

Congratulations to our 2019 recipients:

Year 7 - Yasmin W

Year 8 - Jeanne O

Year 9 - Olivia L

Year 10 - Breana J

Year 11 - Erin M

Year 12 - Rhiannon K