Volume 31 Issue 10 - 5 July 2019

G'Day Reflection

Grandparents make the world ... a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer. 

G’day – a special day for Grandparents, Special Friends and Guests was on Thursday 27 June. It was a beautiful occasion where our Year 7 students took lead roles in the liturgy and heard wisdom from Grandparents.

Afterwards, Year 7 performed items at the assembly to showcase the many talents of Year 7. Romina A, Emeline L and Meghan W reflected on their first Semester of Year 7, Arachana K performed a song and all Year 7 recreated their Polynite performance of La Bamba and Sin Je Je lead by Mrs Samyia. We also celebrated 36 girls who had received a Silver Principals award for obtaining 30 merits and heard from Eve M, Laura Z and Bronwyn Z who spoke about two co-curricular groups the History Club and Knitting Group respectively.

Our special guests then were treated with a tour of the College followed by lunch. We raised $136 on the day as our guests purchased raffle tickets for Year 7's fundraiser of the Good Samaritan Kinder School in the Philippines. A BIG thank you must go to Stephanie E and Kate R for leading us in prayer, the Year 10 Peer Support students for ushering our guests into the MSC, Mr Nash and the Bio Box girls, Mr Gattone and Mr Combes for the liturgy, Mrs Samyia and Miss Macri for the songs and Ms Renshaw and her support staff for our morning tea and lunch.  Thank you to our guests, some of whom travelled quite extensive distances to support our girls. We truly value the contribution you make to our school community and look forward to seeing the families here for many years to come.

Maria Boulatsakos - Year 7 Coordinator