Volume 32 Issue 03 - 6 March 2020

Knitting Group 2020

Knitting Club has resumed for 2020. For the last 14 years the St Patrick's Knitting Group has made hundreds of blankets and scarves for the less fortunate in the Macarthur area.

2020 Open Day display

Students are assisted by a band of retired St Patrick's staff and friends of the College. They help to teach beginners to knit and fix up those dreaded dropped stitches! 

The Knitting Group meets every Thursday lunchtime in H12. Students who show ongoing commitment get awarded a 'Knitting Badge' for their uniform.

At the recent Open Day the Knitting Group had a display of its work, attracting a good deal of attention.

If you would like to knit squares for the group or donate wool we would most appreciate it. Our squares are cast on with 50 stitches in garter stitch.

Fran Musico Rullo - HSIE Teacher