Volume 32 Issue 17 - 11 September 2020

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

How do you distribute the chores around the household between your children? Do you have set tasks that engage your sons and a different set for your daughters? In 2018 the University of Queensland’s report ‘Hands up for Gender Equality' found that most boys perform ‘outdoor’ chores such as mowing and putting out the rubbish whilst the girls are expected to do ‘indoor’ jobs like cleaning, cooking and child minding. There is a suggestion that the allocation of such chores in a family has implications on the perception the young person will develop of their future work areas. The suggested link is that this could reinforce the stereotype that outdoor jobs such as engineering and construction are for men and that indoor jobs such as cleaning and caring jobs such as nursing and teaching are for women.

Certainly, when I was making my way through high school the sisters were very clear about the job prospects for the girls at my school. These included nursing, teaching, secretarial work or retail. I am pleased that times have changed in that regard. There are increasing numbers of boys in teaching and nursing and the number of girls in trades and engineering are growing. There are a number of associations and organisations that support and advocate for girls to pursue their interests in jobs based on interest and capacity not on gender. I believe that the subtle prejudices of gender and roles are still present in our communities, particularly for little children, however there is an increasing awareness of this which in time may liberate both boys and girls to take roles based on interest and passion for the job.

As you would be aware, St Patrick’s College is a member of MISA. This membership enables our girls to represent the College in both sporting and cultural events against other schools in the Macarthur area. Whilst we haven’t been able to compete in the sporting arenas, we have had opportunity to participate in debating, public speaking and chess this year. MISA has launched its new website, and this will be located on our website from next week. I encourage you to take a look next week and enjoy the information and the activities the students will be able to participate in through this association.

As outlined in the Parent Forums earlier this term, the feedback from parents and staff on our previous parent/student/teacher interviews was positive, but most preferred that the interviews are held with the subject teachers for the future. We have another parent/student/teacher interview scheduled for week 1 and week 2 term 4. As such, these interviews will be with the subject teachers. A letter will go home outlining the process for bookings in the coming week. We thank staff and parents for their gracious support of our previous model and hope you find the next opportunity informative and helpful.

We are currently planning for our only fundraiser, the Emerald Ball 2021. We had received a large TV as a prize for the 2020 Ball which did not proceed. We thank Praveen Chandra from Appliance & Air Conditioning Services, who has generously donated the TV to the College this year. He has promised to provide another one as a prize for our Ball next year! Thank you Praveen. If you are able to donate any prizes or services for our Ball 2021, please contact Danielle Grant at the College who will gratefully receive it.

Wishing you a lovely spring weekend ahead. I will leave you with a reflection on creation.


Sue Lennox - Principal 

God of creation,
you who are present in the whole universe
and in the smallest of your creatures,
who surround with your tenderness all that exists,
help us to be a witness to your presence,
to your kingdom,
here and now,
and inspire us to live in communion with all that surrounds us.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.