Volume 33 Issue 01 - 12 February 2021

Parent Guide to Year 11

On Wednesday evening, we had the pleasure of meeting parents and carers of our Year 11 students. We held a welcome event aimed at orientating families to the senior secondary years at St Patrick's College for Girls. This article includes information delivered on Wednesday evening as well as a link to the recording of the presentation. 

We are delighted to begin this journey with you and your daughter as she embarks on the final leg of her journey at St Patrick’s College. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is the highest educational award in NSW schools and is awarded after successful completion of Year 11 and Year 12. All Year 11 and 12 courses are prescribed by the NSW Education Standards Authority and their website publishes syllabus documents for each course and these are publicly available.

Parent engagement in learning

The education of girls at St Patrick’s College is a partnership between the family and school and acknowledges the important role parents play in providing learning opportunities at home and linking learning at school with what happens elsewhere. Parental engagement in learning is a highly significant leverage point for enhancing the academic attainment and wellbeing of young people because it provides a foundation to cognitive, social, and emotional development.

A key theme running through our academic  program in 2021 is High Expectations. Parents can engage with learning by communicating their expectations for their daughter’s academic success. For example:

  1. Communicate expectations for education and the value and joy of learning.
  2. Foster aspirations and motivation by setting goals and making plans for the future.
  3. Co-create a conducive and stimulating home learning environment.
  4. Help with school work by discussing learning, study and time-management strategies.
  5. Regularly ask what they are learning and doing at school, and praise real effort and achievements.
  6. Take an interest in homework; provide help where needed.
  7. Link school work to current events and topics.
  8. Build supportive relationships and work hard to maintain these when circumstances are difficult.
  9. Encourage physical activity, healthy eating and adequate sleep. Set reasonable boundaries for television, screen-time, part-time work, extra-curricular commitments and socialising.
  10. Have positive interactions with teachers; share knowledge, ideas and concerns and participate in College activities to show support for learning at school.

Policies and Procedures

A minimum of 12 units of Preliminary courses followed by 10 units of HSC courses are required to meet the course requirements. In addition, students must meet a number of course criteria including those outlined here:

Students must:

  • Apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences.
  • Achieve some or all of the course outcomes.
  • Make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks.

Stage 6 Assessment

Assessment is the collection and evaluation of evidence of learning. Students in Year 11 undertake informal and formal assessment tasks throughout their studies. Formal assessment tasks are those which students undertake as part of the school-based assessment program, reflecting specific course requirements, components and weightings. Students are issued task notifications at least two weeks in advance of any due date. All submission dates for formal assessment tasks are included on the calendar available on the College website. The Assessment Policy Handbooks, available on the College Website (Library), detail rules and processes related to the formal assessment program.


Families are encouraged to engage with Policy documents on the College website (www.saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au) – particularly the Assessment and Homework Policies. On the Library portal (library.saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au/) you will find a copy of the Year 11 Assessment Policy and Handbook that has all of the assessment grids and due dates in one place.

Year 11 Pastoral Team
Maria Boulatsakos – Year 11 Coordinator   mboulatsakos@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au
11A Sarah Hilder   shilder@saintpatricks.nsw.au
11B Marianne Fetterplace  mfetterplace@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au and Wendy McDonald wmcdonald@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au.
11C Scott Ashcroft and Nina Tacca-Baudana   sashcroft@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au; ntacca@saintparicks.nsw.edu.au
11D Pola Nicolau  pnicolau@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au

Below is the video recording of the evening's presentations.


Debra Bourne - Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching