Volume 33 Issue 07 - 28 May 2021

Interfaith Dialogue and Studies of Religion

As Catholics, we are committed to dialogue with other religions to promote understanding and tolerance. On Monday 17 May our Year 12 attended an excursion to Auburn Gallipoli Mosque and ISRA where they were able to participate in such interfaith dialogue. While the students were able to revise their HSC topics for Studies of Religion, the day was important for this experience of dialogue – listening to Muslim adherents in relation to the HSC topics but also more broadly in terms of their worldview and experiences in Australia. The students were able to ask a range of questions and were given a tour of the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque. Some of our Muslim students were able to partake in prayer at the Mosque and it was a privilege to be able to facilitate this for these students.

What follows are two students' reflections on the importance of the day to them:

Personally, this experience was the most eye-opening experience I have embarked on. It allowed me, as a student, to be able to understand just how truly beautiful the religious tradition of Islam is with my own eyes, leaving behind any misconceptions and assumptions, being open minded during the day. I empathised greatly with their insights and got to understand just how much adversity and prejudice they face for being Muslim. This experience was extremely beneficial in terms of solidifying some key information in our syllabus too. I am so glad I got the privilege to enter a Mosque, which was one of the most breathtaking places of worship I have stepped foot into. Overall, today’s excursion was one I will not forget and I am grateful I was able to gain insight and dive into the experience with an open mind to ensure I got the most out of it. It was amazing. Gabriella K

My thoughts on today were that it was a good day with the change of scenery. I liked being able to hear the opinion of Muslim girls themselves about Aisha and her importance to them. I also liked listening to the lady who spoke about the Hajj as she really made me understand the Hajj better and how significant it is to adherents. I think today was a great day in physically seeing the mosque and seeing how Muslim adherents live out their faith. Jessica R

Louise East - Religious Studies Coordinator