Volume 33 Issue 10 - 23 July 2021

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

As I begin this editorial, we find ourselves once again in lockdown. Finishing our third week and looking at the fourth next week, we are all hoping and wishing that cases reduce so that we can begin the transition back to normal life. This Delta variant of COVID-19 is far more transmissible than previous variants and with the numbers of vaccinated people very low, the entire country is reeling from its impact. Let’s hope all stay safe and our community doesn’t suffer any more than it has to over the coming months.

The girls have jumped into their remote learning classroom with interest and vigour. They have been engaged in their lessons and working to keep on top of their work and studies. Homerooms have initiated a number of different activities to energise the girls each morning and it has been delightful to hear of the funny stories coming out of these interactions.

Staff have been exceptional in preparing and presenting their lessons for the girls. As one staff member said to me this week “much more time goes into the preparation and presentation of a one-hour lesson on line than an hour of face to face learning”. Teachers are videoing themselves demonstrating work or concepts or developing activities that are interesting and self-explanatory for the girls to follow. We are following up on girls who are struggling by providing support and counselling assistance where needed. Please let us know if your daughter is having difficulties with her remote learning.

Our thoughts and consideration are particularly with our Year 12 families and girls at the moment. The Year 12 teachers are working with the girls to finish the content and check they are devoting enough time and energy to their preparation for their upcoming trial exams. The girls who have major works and performances are working to finish the projects and perfect their performances. We were just informed of the extension of time for some of those major works and performances and it is highly likely these will not be the only changes.

It is this uncertainty and stream of changes from NESA which unsettle and unnerve the girls who are preparing for their final assessments and exams. They have been preparing with their deadlines in mind and as these change it does shake their stability and focus a little. Please keep the girls in your prayers during the next few months. We never thought last year as we were negotiating this with the then Year 12 cohort, we would have to do this again for another cohort of Year 12 students. No Year 12 student would want to finish 13 years of schooling this way, but sadly this is beyond our control and with the support of their families and school community, they can show courage, resilience and persevere to achieve their best in their HSC.

Finally, I would like to thank you for completing the Tell Them From Me survey, that was sent out to parents, teachers and students last term. It is always a risk to gather feedback from stakeholders, as you can’t be sure what will come back.  My belief is, if you are not prepared to listen to what is being said, then don’t ask. Having said that, the feedback was very rich and very worthwhile. It has given us a significant amount of data on what people in our community find beneficial and what areas in the College could be improved. I will share these results with you in the coming weeks and we will work to address the areas we can over the coming months. So, thank you for your affirmations, which were abundant and your constructive suggestions.

I will leave you with the prayer Mr Gattone used this week in our Virtual chapel which was centred around Matthew’s Gospel, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”


Sue Lennox - Principal

Lord Jesus,
I place my trust in you this day.
Help me to live as a true Child of God,
totally dependent on you as my Lord and Saviour.
Grant me the wisdom to know what is needed to honour
the yearnings in the depths of my being
so that I may grow in perfection, united to you.
I make this prayer under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Amen