Volume 33 Issue 13 - 03 September 2021

Lockdown Support by Experienced Therapists to Help Parents of Children and Young Adults

One of the hardest groups being affected by lockdown are teenagers.

Developmentally this is one age where peers, friendships and socilaisation is so important.

Being away from their friends and losing independence no matter how basic (getting the bus to school, ordering lunch, catching up on weekends with friends, staying out late), all contribute to your child’s development and lockdowns mean they are likely to be feeling more constrained and restricted than ever before.


Younger children may not quite understand what is happening and even though they may not be able to express it they can also be feeling restricted and frustrated by the changes.

Sometimes as parents we can explain a situation many times and the young children may still not quite grasp what it all means. This then results in behaviour challenges that may be a reflection of confusion and frustration.

As adults we not only have to manage these big feelings in children but also in ourselves. An extended lockdown will surely test that. Juggling the already difficult responsibilities within the confines of our homes has tested our capacity. It would be expected most families have struggled at some stage in lockdown, it would be reasonable to expect this.

There are some easy and key things you can do for you and your family to help manage these feelings.

To help reduce negative feelings and feel better during the lockdown. Our therapists are running small group programs for parents and families to guide you through these strategies and help you and your family through this.

This 6-week workshop is designed to provide strategies to

  • increase mental wellbeing of families and the individuals in families
  • Increase connection of family members
  • Increase connection with the community
  • Gain new perspectives on what CAN be done in lockdown rather than just what CAN’T be done in lockdown
  • Increase your confidence in successfully managing lockdown

The program is based on combined clinical knowledge and skills from Real Therapy Solutions team members. The strategies are evidence based using modalities like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. We know at Real Therapy Solutions that every family is unique and special, the strategies presented are designed to ensure you can tailor them to meet your family’s needs.

COST: $15 per person per session.

WHEN: Starting September 15, 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm  for 6 weeks  ( 6 sessions)

TO REGISTER: https://realtherapy.lpages.co/support-group/

Please pay fees for this at the commencement of the program. We take credit or debit cards over the phone. If you are unwell or forget to attend a session, we will provide you with the handouts for that session.

One of our team will call you to confirm your registration and take your payment