Volume 33 Issue 14 - 17 September 2021

Year 11 and 12 English Studies - Radio Presenters Interview - Mike E and Emma Show

As part of our NESA course requirements, Year 11 and 12 English Studies are required to complete an experience of community engagement. On Wednesday 1 September, the Year 11 and 12 English Studies classes met Mike E And Emma for a Zoom interview. Mike E And Emma host the morning segment, at the radio station The Edge 96.1. During the Zoom interview, our students were able to ask lots and lots of questions, most questions were directly related to their jobs at the radio station. The girls found their time spent with Mike E and Emma both inspirational and motivating!

Zoom Interview with Mike E and Emma

A reflction from a Year 11 student:

Some of the highlights of the interview with Mike E and Emma included the fact that we got to learn about how their job has changed their lives and how they managed to continue their job during COVID. One particular point I found interesting was when they were explaining what they had to sacrifice to get the job they wanted.  

Some specific questions included “Who is a hero that inspired you on social media and radio? And why are they a hero to you?” They answered that there were a lot of people who inspired both of them and that there would be too many names to put down, but there were several individuals that they listened to on the radio when they were kids. Mike E and Emma also asked us some questions, such as how we were coping with the demands of online learning.

There were many topics discussed during this interview that linked with the content we have been learning in class. This includes career choices, being prepared for change and if you set your mind to anything you can achieve your dream job.We also discussed reliability and credible research. For Mike E and Emma there are thousands of people listening to them live, so what they say has to be reliable and well researched. They spoke about the importance of not believing everything you read or hear and the same goes for us in class. We need to visit multiple reliable sites for work to gather reliable information.

Claudine Bella - English Faculty