Volume 33 Issue 15 - 15 October 2021

Wellbeing Collection

The Library has an extensive physical and digital collection of Wellbeing resources.

Highlighted books from the Library's Wellbeing collection

Over the last few months, our students have had to adapt and respond to new challenges, and this understandably may have prompted feelings of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. The new term may also have some challenges as students return to face-to-face classes following a term of remote learning. The Library has a dedicated Wellbeing collection which includes both physical and digital resources to help students tackle feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious. Newly added titles to this collection include It's OK Not to Be Ok, The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens, Mindfulness for Teen Worry, The Grit Guide, and Unlock Your Resilience. Physical titles can be reserved via Destiny Discover, and Digital titles can be found via ePlatform.