Volume 34 issue 06 - 6 May 2022

eSafety: Term 2 Webinars for Parents and Carers

For parents and carers of young people aged 4 to 13 years old,

Find out how to set up devices and apps to help keep young people safe online.

This webinar will cover:

- the benefits and limitations of parental controls
- how to safely set up iOS and Android devices
- how to safely set up popular games and apps, like YouTube, Roblox and more.
- Using family tech agreements and other parenting strategies to manage online risks
- How eSafety can help when things go wrong

The webinar will include practical tips, demonstrations and advice for parents and carers to help keep young people safer online.

This webinar is offered several times. Follow this link to register for the webinar.

Debra Bourne - Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching