Volume 34 issue 12 - 12 August 2022

CBCA Student Book Judging Panel

The CBCA Shadow Judging book panel initiative has come to a close.

The CBCA Shadow Judging Panel

In the last three months, I have had the pleasure to facilitate a group of nine students who were part of the Children's Book Council of Australia's (CBCA) Shadow Judging initiative - the group read all six novels short-listed for Book of the Year, and came together periodically to discuss which novel should be the winner. The students judged the books using the actual judging criteria considered by the CBCA judging panel, and then produced a creative response.

The nine wonderful students who have volunteered to form St Pat’s CBCA Reading Group were Ava M, Lillian J, Simra B, Vienne S, Cailtin R, Abbey C, Yukiko W, Georgina K and Charley L. 

It is no mean feat to read six novels in three months, let alone factoring in time required for course work and extra-curricular activities, but the students rose to the challenge. Their insights, thoughtful considerations, group work and good humour made the experience a valuable one for all. They are to be commended for taking part, and doing so with such dedication and effort.

The students have chosen Malla Nunn's novel Sugar Town Queens as their Book of the Year, and we look forward to coming together for a final time on 26 August to watch the winner announcement by CBCA.

Lisa Robertson - College Library